E-Know Your Customer

Remote, paperless process designed to verify users online anytime and anywhere !

  • 2
    Easy steps
  • < 30
    Seconds to complete
  •  10+
    Anti-fraud checks
  •  98%+
    One-time pass rate

What is EKYC ?

EKYC is a convenient way for businesses to verify user identity online.
The whole process takes less than 30 seconds to complete.

  1. User is asked to present their ID and follow on-screen prompts
  2. AI compares the user and their ID to check if they are the same person
Reduce risk of online verification

Advanced Anti-Spoofing

We apply state-of-the-art algorithms to block fraud

Liveness check

We examine signs of bioliveness, such as eye movements, blinks and other subtle motion, to determine if the user in front of the camera is real

Material check

We examine the ID photo for shadows, glare and light reflections to determine if it is real or copy printed on paper or displayed on a screen

Tampering check

We look for signs of obscuring, obscuring, and tampering with ID photos to determine if IDs are acceptable

Random instruction

Users need to follow random on-screen prompts to confirm they are real and can understand the instruction


We use OCR to check expiry date and other details of ID documents to determine if they are acceptable

Anti-fraud check

We look for known visual security features of government-issued IDs to determine their authenticity

Customize Options

Adapt to Your Business

We work with you to customize your EKYC need

ID Card

Support any required ID documents for identification and OCR


Use your government-issued ID security features for anti-fraud check


From 1 QPS to 1000 QPS we manage infra to meet your demand


Need to add human in the loop ? Let us help design workflow together

See it in action

Demonstration of EKYC in browser

Contact Us

Request a demo, apply for trial or have specific customization needs? We are here to help

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