Security Camera Intelligence
Surveillance cameras play an increasingly important role in today's security and retail scenarios.
Sensor AI has proprietary developed ReID® technology to help analyze, detect, track and search for events and objects of interest,
helping organizatinos build smart retail and advanced security intelligence from video footages.
Business Overview
Offline businesses often face difficulties in gaining insights from cameras, one of their most valuable assets.
The challenge is that analyzing hundreds of hours of video footage is not only a waste of resources, but the results are fragmented and difficult to curate business acumen with.
Sensor AI has partnered with retail and security customers to develope a unique solution that helps them turn vidoe footage into actionable insights.
It runs spatial analysis to detect people, animals and vehicles across wide area of interests spanning across multiple cameras, accurately tracing their trajectories, areas visited and length of dwwell.
Using advanced image searching, customer can trace and locate the whereabouts of target of interest and easily extract their presence from hundreds hours of recordings.
The solution is used to build smarter retail and advanced security scenarios, helping to infuse digital intelligence into traditional offline businesses.
Below we will use Fortnite as an example to explain our solution:
Multi-cam ReID® Technology
Rarely will you see a single camera used alone in retail and security scenraios, bu instead tens, or even hundreds of cameras working together across a wide area of premise. The state-of-the-art ReID technology can coordinate and uniquely identifies objects present across multiple cameras for precise tracking and accurate flow analysis.
The demo below shows the dynamics of people in a dispersed office area. They are being uniquely tracked across 16 different cameras for an accurate spatial analysis:
Feature Search and Tracing
Using advanced visual feature search, the solution can help locate the whereabouts of a target of interest, finding their presence from video footages in matter of seconds
Search for a person with their visual appearance:
Search for a vehicle and trace their time of visit and trajectories:
Traffic Flow Analysis
Get insights into offline people dynamics with spatial statistics such as people count, estimated demographics (age group, gender), movement trajectories, areas visited and dwell time.
An example dashboard showcasing people dynamics with spatial statistics:
Intelligent Applications
Applying the solution to enable smart retailer and advanced secruity scenarios.